miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2009

Adventurer Tourism "Cañon del Sumidero", Chiapas

If you are an adventurous, you should come to Cañon del Sumidero in Chiapas, Mexico to contemplate the incredibles walls than reach the 1000 meters of altitude. There are five view points "La Ceiba", "El coyote", "El roblar","El tepehuaje" y "Los chiapa", where you can see the beatiful color of the water and the structures in the walls well-knows as "arboles de navidad", an unforgettable view.
You can have a comfortable and funny day with your family because there are malls, restaurants, theatres, zoos and an excellent comunication with Chiapa de Corso.
But if you prefer action than calm, you can climb the walls, do kayak, rappel, bird watching and most of the extreme sports that you know.
Where you can sleep? well there is a city near to El Cañon del Sumidero, Chiapa de Corso.
El Cañon del Sumidero also has an historic value, in the century XVI the spanish conqueror fights against the chiapanecos.
That is the reason why the goverment of Chiapas put El Cañon del Sumidero in their coat of arms.

Problems at night

Actually I do not have any kind of problems before, while or after sleep ( I think so), but a homework is a homework so I am going to chair with you my dad´s problems (haha). Well is just one problem but is a noisy one.
He used to snored like a "volchito", no joking, I remember one time when I realized that my dad snore loudly. Was the family first vacation on Cancun, we slept in the same room, mom and dad in one bed and my brother and I in other bed, suddenly my dad sarted to grrr!! grrr!!!... and he kept doing that noise all night long, obviously no one could not sleep. Next morning we were like drowsy, and my father was fresh like a lettuce.
But I say "who doesn´t snore" maybe I do, maybe you do, "who knows".... only your room partner.


Maybe one of my habits before sleep is shine my dad´s shoes, well is like an obligation but I do it every nigth, that is why I think is a habit. One more is brush my teeth, play sax, watch tv and sometimes I get a shower, but most of the times I shower in the morning.
The most important habit I have is listen good music.