miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009


Dear mom:

I miss you too, but you know that I was who decided study here. Yes it´s true I don´t have enough money, but I got a job and I´m going to start it in a couple of days, it´s a part-time job in a italian food restaurant, it´s so great, isn´t it?

Mom tell to my dad that I miss him too, and that I have good grades.

I want to tell you that I am sorry about what I said but I just was angry and I felt that I´d live by myself. Now I know, it is difficult earn money and study at the same time, but I´m not going let it down I have to push myself and finish the college.

Thanks mom but I´m going to stay here. Please don´t worry I´m going to be fine.

See you on holidays, ok?
lots of love and kisses too.



Thanksgiving Day

"...In 1602, 101 emigrants came to the New World running away from religious persecution. they attacked Native Americans out of fear but when winter arrived hunting was made difficult and survivor to that harsh season could see those Native Americans were not as bad as they thought because they shared food and turkeys with them and since then Americans have made this a national celebration wich is known as "Thanksgiving Day"..."